Monday, April 15, 2013

Mutual ownership

Did you know that Systematic Savings Bank is mutually owned? That means YOU have control over our direction and decision making because having an account here means you are, in part, an owner. Bottom line: we exist for you and your needs. Period.
Systematic is proud to be a mutually owned company. Our profits, after deduction of business expenses, are set aside in capital so we can stay open and help you with your financial needs. That’s why we listen so attentively to what you have to say and also why we get so involved with our community. We want to build a lasting partnership with you.
The future of Systematic is in your hands. So, exercise your right by liking us on Facebook or responding to this blog post. We know ideas don’t grow on trees. They grow from suggestions. So help us put your ideas into action and leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you.